Delivering a shared vision, shared passion and shared legacy.
Omni X aims to provide fledgling businesses and startups with the keys to success. Omni X is a collaborative initiative delivered with the support of partners and sponsors.
Part of our mission is to nurture a global community where alumni of the Omni X programme come full circle to support future cohorts in their journey through sponsorship and mentorship. Sponsors become partners and benefit from ESG recognition, early access to startups and merging innovation, access to talent, and global exposure and marketing.
We are delighted to invite opportunities for sponsorship in the programme from visionary organisations seeking direct access to next generation startups and investment opportunities while delivering on their social mission.
Sponsor Benefits
Early access to startups
Access to Innovation
Long term returns
ESG/CSR Recognition
Brand visibility and exposure
Access to emerging world class talent
Market data/intelligence
Global networking opportunities
Video case study promotion
Featured speaker opprtunities
Employee engagement
VIP invitation to events worldwide
Sponsoring Omni X
We welcome and are grateful for all sponsorship donations in building a vibrant, thriving startup and business ecosystem and community. We’ve develop a tiered sponsor framework with tiers suited to sponsorship at all levels.
Find out more about sponsorship - get in touch now